Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What I have to do

It just seems that my daughter's behavior has gotten bad ever since I quit taking medication for depression. I can't help but think that she is being affected by my behavior. I really wanted to be able to completely stop taking it, but that doesn't seem to be the right thing to do. I just want to be happy around my kids especially. I get sad way too often over tiny things. I am going to call my doctor today. I think that MG suddenly acting up at the same time of my ending the medication is just too much of a coincidence for me to ignore.


Bar L. said...

At the rist of giving you unsolicited advice I am going to share my thoughts, I hope you don't mind!!!!

First, can I ask why you want to get off the anti-deps? If its because there is a bad side effect maybe you could change them. But, I am a firm believer that certain types of depression must be treated with meds because they are a chemical imbalance. I suffered for years TRYING to manage my depression when in reality it was a lack of Seratonin in my brain that no matter what I body was incapable of producing.

That said, I happily take my meds daily knowing that if I didn't I'b be under a dark cloud. I still get depressed, but its for real reasons now, not chemical reasons.

Also, many people have a misconception that anti-deps change your personality or affect you like a tranquilizer or mood enhancing drug...but its NOT the same thing at all!!!

Ok, sorry to lecture, I just care about you and want you to feel as good as you can.

ChristyTN said...

I really do appreciate your thoughts on this, Barbara. I've been a little confused about it. I decided to get off the meds because my gyn doc suggested that it was time. But here I am still depressed.

I've had depression most of my life, but really put off doing anything about it until it got unbearable with postpartum.

It's possible that I have a chemical imbalance. Since this is beyond postpartum issues, I think that I will go to my general practice doctor and see what I can do to get some help. I want to feel as good as I can, too. I really want to be happy and positive for my family. It hurts to see that I'm causing some problems for them.

Thanks again for your thoughts and for caring. Depression is a painful thing that I don't completely understand.

Linda said...

First off, maybe right now is not the time for you to go off of your medication You still have two small kids and you are trying to balance work with raising them. I have a hard time and I don't even work.

I have been taking medication and it seemed to be working, but now I am not so sure. I think I might need to increase my dose,but I think that I might also need to go to some kind of counseling. I did that years ago and it really seemed to help me. Most of my issues stem from my childhood and I have the awful habit of dwelling in the past. It is hard sometimes, not to. When I start to get down I always start to think of my messed up family. You would think that after all of this time I wouldn't let them bother me, but it appears that they occupy a good bit of my thoughts.

I know that you also don't get much time just for yourself, because you and Mark stagger shifts so that somebody can always be with the kids. This is wonderful, but maybe you need some time just for yourself so that you can recharge.

I have always been very extroverted, but here lately I seem to need more time to myself. I think I just need time to be able to hear the thoughts in my head without any interuptions from the kids or Bob.

If you ever need an evening away, even if it is to a very late movie after the kids go to bed, etc, just let me know. I always like a bit of time away.

ChristyTN said...

Linda, that would be great to get away to a movie or something! I guess sometimes I don't realize that I need time away every once in a while. We have one of those card-making workshops coming up in November, & I'll ask you to that when I find out the date. :)

I'm feel kind of depressed right now, but I'm also exausted. I'm trying to get used to the busy schedule with MG going to preschool and then my telecommuting phone is messed up, so I'm having to run around twice as much up and down the road to work. It's really hard to get dinner ready on time when I have to be at work at 5!! Then I have no time to work on the laundry or the mess that exploded all over the house. I managed to do the dishes and that was it. I rested for one hour because I felt so tired, so that was my hour where I should've done all the house work.

Sigh. Well, I shouldn't complain too much because I do get some quiet time when I'm not telecommuting. It gets me out of the house. It's just the rushing around and the stress in trying to get here on time. It's a quiet work night, so I've brought my knitting with me to relax.

I'm glad that you are getting help for the depression. I think that maybe I need the meds right now, too, and the counseling is a good idea.