Thursday, September 13, 2007

Pooped All of the Time

I'm so extremely tired virtually all of the time. I really hate feeling this way constantly. I wonder if being overweight is causing me to feel this way. It's been even more intense this week because MG is going to preschool and MB has been sick and I've been exercising more. I have some problems with change in routine, too, so the extra stress of that makes me even more tired. Maybe there are a few things that I need to do to help me with this problem.

1. Get some sleep at night & get everyone in bed before 10:00 PM (Including myself)

2. Keep eating normally until I get used to the exercise.

Gee, that's all I can think of. I guess if that doesn't help, then maybe I should see the doctor. Any advice? :)


Linda said...

Change in schedule always sucks. Since MB is sick that also throws a monkey wrench into things. Nicholas has a cold right now and is not sleeping well, so I am not sleeping well. I take a medicine (yes that medicine) at night that makes me sleepy, so I am feeling like you. I have to get Sophia up five days a week for school and it is not always easy. We have been managing to get her into bed between 8:30 and 9:00. This gives Bob and I each some time to relax before going to bed.

Maybe you should start winding the kids down earlier. After a week or two they would probably be used to the schedule. Before school started Sophia would go to bed around 10:00 and sleep until 9:30 or 10:00. Now she is in bed early and is getting much better about getting up at 7:30 in the morning. Sometimes it is hard to be firm, but in the end it is better for her. It also pays, in my opinion, to have a regular bedtime routine. Sophia takes a bath or cleans up, says her prayers, gets a few stories, gets a drink of water and then it is lights out. She normally drifts off within 15 minutes.

ChristyTN said...

Thanks, Linda. It always helps to hear advice from you since we're going through some of the same things! It sure is hard feeling exausted so much, isn't it? Getting MG to bed earlier sounds like a great plan. I want her to get up more easily in the mornings and to feel good during the day. And I need the free time at night. Poor MB has an awful cold too. I hear him whining and tossing in his sleep right now. Are you going to get the kids a flu shot? After our Summer full of colds, I'm not looking forward to the "real" cold and flu season!

Linda said...

I am not sure about the flu shots. I probably will. The pediatrician never seems to have them, so we usually end up going to the health department.

HLiza said...

I've given up exercise totally since I told myself I hardly have the time..I know that's not good coz Then I rely on my diet pills..which affect my moods and health. At least you can still exercise..and it will do wonders to your overall being. The kids would benefit if you get them to join you too..that way they'll get exhausted and will sleep soundly on time! (I did that my daughter complains I don't do it anymore..)

Bar L. said...

Here's my advise (since you asked). Be good to yourself. Look in the mirror and smile and tell yourself you are a good mom, a good wife, friend, person etc. Cause you are. Treat yourself as you would treat your friend - would you tell her she was fat? No, you would encourage her to continue eating right and exersicing but if she was super tired you'd say "its ok to skip a day and rest". Mabye you are just trying to do too much? Getting to bed earlier is a good idea, one that I should do too but I have such a hard time ending my day.

Whatever you do, I hope you get some energy back. Most moms of little ones are tired a lot. It passes as they get older. :)

ChristyTN said...

Thanks you guys! I really does help to hear your words of encouragement and advice! We've had colds back to back with the previous stomach virus, so it's been a yucky few days. MB always gets the worse case of it, so I was up several times with the poor little guy last night. We've all been sick, but fortunately I've had the mildest case of it so that it's easier to take care of all the other sickies in the house.