Friday, March 30, 2007

Sleep and Dreams

I dream almost every night. When I read the news too often (especially the depressing stuff), I have the worst nightmares. My dreams are always vivid and very real, so this really upsets me. It doesn't help that occasionally I dream something weird that seems to be a premonition and something related seems to happen. I also have dreams about my relatives who have died... especially my grandparents.
I can remember extremely vivid dreams from my childhood. When I was 3 I dreamed that I was small like the "little people" toys and I was inside the little toy hospital that I'd gotten for Christmas. Two gorillas who looked like King Kong picked up the little hospital with me inside of it and threw it over a waterfall. It was so vivid that I can still remember it in detail.
Some dreams have been beautiful. I always dream in color and with vivid detail. It's almost like I'm watching a movie. The only problem is that it feels as if I didn't get much sleep so I'm always so tired. I'm having to ban reading bad news reports just because they bother me too much and cause the nightmares. I guess the best that I can do when I see a headline about something horrible is to pray for the people in that situation instead of reading the tragic details.

1 comment:

Bar L. said...

I dream similarly (say that three times fast).

They can wear you out but the good ones are sooooooo good!