Thursday, March 22, 2007

Princess or Super Hero?

Now that I've been outside with the kids today, I feel much better and will write about something fun. Ever since my daughter turned 3, I've been reminiscing back to when I was her age. I really have lots of memories of being 3. It must be a huge deal. For my 3rd birthday, I had a Snow White Disney Princess cake. I remember going to the bakery with my mom to pick up the cake and the decorations to go on top were in a little bag. They were little plastic figures of Snow White and the 7 dwarfs. I was so excited.

I liked princess stories, but my favorite show as a 3 year old was Batman and Robin in reruns. I LOVED IT. I had a crush on Adam West...but only when he was Bat Man. I also liked Bat Girl and Cat Woman and pretended to be one or the other. I loved Wonder Woman. I remember asking for a Super Hero doll, but my mother didn't like them for some reason. Since I always wanted a Super Hero doll, I bought the Barbie series that included Bat Girl, Super Girl and Wonder Woman before MG came along a few years ago. I have since given them to her. I think Super Heroes are better roll models than princesses, although I do like the princesses.

MG, on the other hand, really loves stuffed animals and My Little Pony animals more than any kind of doll. I gave her a new baby doll for her birthday. Metal Boy likes it, but Metal Girl could care less. I knew this and really shouldn't have bought it.

I'm amazed at how independent Metal Girl is. I like it though. She really shows lots of confidence. I grew up with such a low self esteem. This may have been due to fate because of things that happened after my dad died. I just know that I want my kids grow up confident and happy. Today we picked out her Easter dress. I actually let her pick it. Did she want the flowery frilly thing that I was pushing her towards? No, she wanted the polka-dotted one. It really suits her too.


Bar L. said...

You are right - this was a fun post!
I'm so glad you guys got out and about.

How funny that you liked super heroes more than princesses, I don't think I liked either.

MG sounds like she's on the right track. I bet your kids will both grow up confident and happy, they've got good parents and that's 75% of the determining factor (I just made that up...but it seems right).

I think its sweet that MB likes the doll, my son played with one of my old dolls when he was that age too. Of course he would die if I told anyone that!!!

G. Shaun Jackson said...

K and I have two nieces who are extremely into princesses. The youngest one (age 6) loves to wear princess outfits and uses her magic wand to turn us into a prince or a frog depending upon her mood. We have a very friendly boston terrier dog named peppy whom has been dubbed "Peppy- the BOY Princess!" by our niece. Ha!

There are much worse things for kids to be into than princesses or superheros. Be glad that they enjoy those things!

Right now our son is really into looking, eating, farting, crying, pooping, and smiling, sometimes in that exact order. I'm sure his interests will get broader in the future. I hope.