Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We're Outta Here!

I'm going to check the forecast and take the kids somewhere tomorrow! It's really was crappy to be stuck inside for two weeks. The combination of snow storm, stomach viruses and car's flat tire have kept us here at home. We have a terrible case of cabin fever. I truly feel like hopping on a plane and going to Florida or Hawaii... somewhere beautiful and warm! I guess I'll have to settle for a walking trail and small park if the weather is nice. We got the tire repaired today, so I get to have my car back for tomorrow.

I did get a little lift in spirits yesterday when we went on a long walk...I took the kids out in the double stroller. We saw a beautiful woodpecker in the top of a tree and several other birds. We stopped by the barn to see the cows. Ruby the red and white cow, who is really a pet, let me pat her nose for the first time. I forgot her name was Ruby, though, and kept calling her Rosy.

We also looked out the window to see a pretty gray rabbit nibbling the grass. Metal girl said "It's the Easter Bunny's friend!" and she proceeded to tell the bunny what she'd like for an Easter treat.... "I would like a chocolate rabbit, lollipops...they're my favorite...and candy!"

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