Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ma-Ma Ba-ba

Metal Boy is quite a character. I've been trying to wean him from nursing. Metal girl quit nursing at 7 months, and it wasn't a big deal. We can usually go all day without nursing, but then he decides that he has to throw a few hints. He picks up the boppy pillow (used for nursing) from the floor and brings it to me and says "ma-ma ba-ba". Isn't that funny? Of course it melts my heart, so he's still nursing before going to sleep at night. Maybe this will fizzle out on it's own, I don't know. Gee, it seems like just yesterday when I was worrying about nursing in public. Now we're way past that stage. Sigh.


Linda said...

Some kids will nurse at night for a long time, espicially if they don't use bottles. Bob cousin still nurses her child at night and she is 2 yrs 4 mos, she won't sleep without it.

The way Nicholas nurses now, I have a feeling I am in for it when the time comes.

Bar L. said...

Ahh, that is sweet. I nursed my son at night only for a looooong time. He used to call it "boo boo"