Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I finally managed to get a pretty picture of the sunset a few evenings ago. I've been playing around with my camera to figure out the various settings. The snow here takes a long time to melt, so I've seen so many pretty sunsets over the snow.

A few nights ago we had a very starry sky. It was just so gorgeous. The sky looked sapphire blue with the stars glittering brightly. I could also see the white snow glittering on the ground. It looked so magical with everything sparkling.

I guess I got my Winter weather fix, because now I'm anxious for Spring. Spring is my most favorite time of the year. It's just such a wonderful time of the year where everything begins anew.
Metal Boy has been going non-stop like the energizer bunny. I actually tried to lie down for a short time to rest while he played and Metal Girl napped. (Unfortunately their naps do not coincide any more) I fell asleep only to be awakened by Metal Boy pulling my hair and poking me in the eye. I'm glad that he did, though. I don't like to fall asleep when he's busy getting into everything. We have things "baby-proof", but we keep discovering new things to baby-proof.
I've had way too much coffee today trying to wake up and be alert. And it didn't do one bit of good. Sigh.

1 comment:

Bar L. said...

That is a great picture! Very pretty sunset.