Saturday, December 15, 2007


We've really been feeling the effects of the rise in cost of electricity and gas prices here. The electricity went up about 75% in our area, and then I'm spending alot on gas getting MG to and from her preschool. I've got to think about ways of reducing our bills. So here's my boring post about money woes and ideas to help the situation.

1. Find a closer preschool for MG. I love the one she is at, but it is a 30 minute drive from here. But then there's the issue of a closer one being more expensive! UGH!
2. Can't do anything about the heating with electricity issue, but will go without air conditioning more often in the summer.
3. Put up a clothesline to use the clothes dryer less.
4. Try to work 2 extra hours per week at my job. I have to get this approved, but it's a possibility since we are short staffed.
5. Potty Train the kids...completely. Diapers and pull-ups are a huge expense.
6. Plant more veggies in the Summer.

Those are the best ideas that I have right now. I think that it'll make a difference. Once the kids are in school, I will need to work more hours or try to find a full time job. We're getting close to January... time to start thinking about new year's resolutions. :) Anyone else out there having problems because the huge rise in costs of electricity and gas?


Linda said...

We have definitely seen some differences. I use a clothes line when I can, but when it is cold out it is hard to do. Until I started to use the dryer last month, we did not see any change in the electric bill. I understand what you mean about gas as well. Sophia goes to school five days a week now. You may want to look into the Pre-K program through the public school system. It is free, so that should be a help and they pick the kids up on the bus. I will try to forward some info to you for next year.

The holidays really are a drain also. It is so hard to come up with the money for things. Bob and I don't even give gifts to each other any more and it is so expensive.

I plan on being at home with the kids until Nicholas starts school and then I plan to go back at least part time, because we need to pay for Catholic school somehow.

You are not alone with this issue.

HLiza said...

This is exactly the reason why we're still working when everybody's already on holidays or vacation..we need the extra money for all the increasing living cost here! Ugh!

Metal Mark said...

Number six was a tough one this past summer because the weather was so dry that we got virtually nothing. It was the worst year for our garden out of the eight years we have been doing it.