Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Halloween Thoughts

I'm feeling better and more positive today for several reasons. I may get to go trick-or-treating after all after switching my job hours to actually work all day, but be off for Halloween night. Hurrah! Then today, I'm going to visit my co-worker who is on medical leave and take her flowers. I'll have a little free time to myself when I do that. It's a beautiful sunshiny day outside. Mark and I had Mommy and Daddy time last night. We even got to play the Wii Nintendo game that he borrowed from work... he has to learn how to play it for job related reasons. :) Finally, I am going to see my doctor tomorrow about my depression problems... even though I may not actually be depressed tomorrow. The blues come and go.

I've also been thinking about how to smooth things over with my brother and his wife. I am going to send a thank you note with pictures that we took. I've just been thinking about how my brother and I were just like MB and MG when we were little...we're very close in age. I have all kinds of pictures of he and I together and lots of good memories of playing together when we were kids. We kind of got less close over the years, and I'm actually closer with my youngest brother for some reason.


Linda said...

I am glad that you are working it out for Halloween. What are the kids going to be?? Sophia is going to be a kitty and Nicholas, Elvis!

Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow!

ChristyTN said...

Elvis!:) I can't wait to see them! MG is going to be Snow White and MB is going as Elmo.