Friday, March 03, 2006

Stress Relief

Thanks for all your comments and to everyone checking out my blog! It is a fun way to relieve stress. Baby #2 is sleeping right now and Metal Mark is watching Scooby-Doo with Baby #1. Then they're going to go outside for a walk. He's a great daddy!

My next post is going to be a little more interesting. I'm from the South, so I'm far away from my hometown. Even though I love living here, I do get homesick for the mountains and for my family. I'm going to write about some of the humorous differences between life here and there.

I have to run now and change some stinky diapers!


David Amulet said...

I like the way this is going. First you are telling us about the Scooby Doo watching ... soon you'll be offering us all sorts of sordid details that we can mock Mark incessantly about. Thanks for the ammo!

Take care,

Metal Mark said...

I freely admit to being a huge Scooby fan. I love horror movies and my love of horror began with watching Scooby on Saturday mornings back in the 70's.

Linda said...

Honestly, what would life be like without a little Scooby every now and then!