Monday, August 07, 2006


These are a few pictures from our vacation! This first one is of an Amish farm taken from the train ride. Next, you will see MM and MG on the train ride. The final photo is of MB enjoying the swing at the Inn! Enjoy!


Will said...

What sweethearts !!!!! (I'm not talking about the metal head with the Van Halen T shirt on)

Wear the heck did you find him ?

Mike said...

They're both very cute. Where's their concert shirts?

Bar L. said...

OH MY GOSH! I love the pic of metal baby! He is so cute! And you little girl is a doll. Metal Mark is cute too :)

On My Watch said...

cute babies! seems like you guys had a nice vacation - good for you!

Jenn said...

Awww they're both adorable. MG has beautiful eyes, even with that little pouty face.....

Metal Mark said...

Metalgirl was about to fall asleep at this point due to staying awake until 2:00 the night before. She normally looks wilder than that.