Saturday, August 19, 2006

"Mommy Has a Big Poo!"

We were coming back from our walk out our road, when all the coffee I had drank all day (to stay awake) caused me to have to run ahead of MM and the kids in order to make it to the potty. I guess I was walking funny up the hill to our house, because I heard MG say "Mommy has a big poo!"

MG loves that we are growing pumpkins in our garden. When I got back outside after the potty, I found MG sitting on "the great pumpkin" in the little pumpkin patch. She loves the Charlie Brown halloween movie and watches it year round. It was even cuter a couple of weeks ago when she found a ripe "jack be little" pumpkin which is the size of an apple. She was proudly carrying it around calling it "the great pumpkin". She insisted on taking it to the store with her and carried it through Target.

MB is trying to crawl! He can scoot across the room on his tummy. Sometimes he rolls to get where he's a ball. He's such a chunka-munka! I love him that way. He is starting to drink from a sippy cup too. This is funny, because he also refuses to drink from a bottle. I had to go in to work all day , so we were a little worried about his refusing the bottle. The sippy cups with the soft sipper are perfect for him, and MM was able to get him to drink from it several times that day.

That's about all that's going on with us right now. Saturday evenings and Sundays are our special family time. MM and I have sort of opposite schedules so that neither kid goes to childcare. It's definitely worth getting quality time with the kids, but makes it difficult to get cleaning done. Especially when I'm such a messy person to begin with! MM is actually the clean one! Well, hope you all are having a great weekend!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Is MetalBoy doing that "Army Crawl"
also? My daughter used to do that too. It's cute.