Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All I Want for Christmas

It's really fun celebrating Christmas this year. MG is so excited about everything. It really brings back the magic of the season for me. She told Santa that she wants trains and lollypops. MM and I got the wooden train set out last night and put it together.

We also decided to take all those annoying horrid wires and packaging for the other toys. I spend about 15 minutes on a leapfrog train set for MB. Phew! I'm glad that I took care of that early instead of waiting till Christmas day when they open their presents. It's so ironic that the toy itself has to meet all kinds of standards to make it safe for kids, but it's packed into the box with 50 choking hazards. It makes sense that a parent needs to take it out of the packaging before giving it to the kid, but it's so easy for any one of those small wire twist ties or plastic pieces to fall into the floor.

Tomorrow we're going to make one simple kind of cookie and easy easy easy chocolate covered pretzels. I've learned that staying simple is best at this point. For Christmas day, I'm going to make Pretzel Strawberry Salad! It's sooooooo goooood! And very pretty! Crushed pretzels are the crust, then there's a layer of cream cheese w/coolwhip and a layer of strawberries & strawberry jello. I decided to make it after MM dropped a container of pretzels on the floor, crushing them...just perfect for my recipe!

Christmas shopping is finished! Thank goodness. I had to do grocery shopping today, and it was pretty wild...especially in the meat department. They had boneless chicken breast for $1.00 per pound, so everyone was trying to get at it. Then MG decided to run down the aisles yelling "Mommy! Mommy!" from the next aisle over. She was pretty good though, and entertained the other customers in our check-out line by singing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" at the top of her lungs. Then she notice that people were looking and got embarrassed. It was cute.

Well, take care! Hope that you're all enjoying the holiday season too!

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