Saturday, May 03, 2008

Irksome Words

A well meaning family member is after us again. This one of the statements made tonight to try and persuade us to go to church. "What are you going to say when you stand before the lord?" Once again being judged solely on whether we're attending church. Also, poor MM was told that he needed to set an example for the kids.

That last thing really made my blood boil. MM is the best father and example to our kids. He takes care of them and does so much with them when I'm working. He has also chosen to work with kids for his profession. Those are wonderful things. His parents should applaud him for setting such a good example, not poo-poo him for not going to church.

Well, it's possible that Sunday school would be a good thing in our kids' lives, but this is NOT the way to persuade me to go. Actually, the best way to persuade me to go is to not say anything. Maybe invite me to church, but nothing more. If I choose to go, I'll go. If I decide that it's best for my kids, then I will go.

I've had alot of soul searching thinking about how I feel about organized religion. I grew up in the Southern Baptist denomination. The churches I went to taught racism and discrimination. They looked down on other beliefs and even other Christian denominations. It was disgusting. Maybe my experience was unique to growing up in the South. I don't know, but it has really turned me off from wanting to go to church.

Sorry, there were some good things about church, too, but the bad things are really sticking out in my mind right now. Ugh! I'll try to think of all the good things about church at some point. Sigh.


Bar L. said...

Christy, I hope its ok to speak my mind here. I think you know I am a "Christian" but I don't even use that word anymore because of people like your relatives (no offense to them personally) who have totally twisted the whole point of God into their own set of religious rules and regulations. God is not the one hounding you to go to church, he really doesn't care if you do or not (imo). I better shut up now. I am sorry you have to go through this. I KNOW what its like...I work in a Christian office and here it all the time. Hang in there and do what is right for you.

ChristyTN said...

Thanks Barbara, it is hard when I feel that my relatives disapprove of how I'm raising my kids. I think the worst thing is that this person's whole way of urging us has such a negative judgmental slant. I can think of much more positive things to say to ask someone to go to church.