Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Weighty Issues

It always does me good to write about the things that are bothering me. First of all, my family is coming to visit in June. Remember, we had such a stressful experience with our visit down South when we went in the Fall? Well, when my my mom first told me that they were coming, I wasn't very joyful. And actually, it's my mom, aunt and my cousins who are coming. I guess I was kind of wanting to not deal with my family for a while. I am glad that they're coming... it's just that I still have sad feelings about our stay with my brother and sister-in-law.

The second worry is church. I want to take my kids to sunday school, but I don't want anyone to say anything about it or nag me about it. That very thing makes me put it off longer. I dislike being judged on this. I teach my kids about God behind the scenes, so it angers me when that gets poo-pooed just because we don't go to church. I do want to go for the right reasons, not from being nagged into it or being looked down upon. Sorry, this is really bothering me.

Enough, enough. I've spouted off and feel better now. :)


G. Shaun Jackson said...

Do or do not. There is no try.

Bar L. said...

You have every right to feel this way about both things. I am glad you vented here.

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you should or should not take your kids to church, you are a wonderful parent (so is Mark) and YOU know what is best for your kids.